Chris Bleicher creates artwork on themes, rooms and should the situation arise on products, too. The neon light gives the ambience a special flair. A time- and budget plan is necessary.
Please see my Neon Wall Installation GOLDEN SOUND WITH LOVE
for the Premierenhaus in Erl, Austria on my peepart diary pages: here and here
"The Seven Miracles of the World"
Created for the Conference of Technology in Kulmbach, Germany. Attending the conference among others: EU-Kommissar Günter Verheugen (European politician); each company (BMW, E.ON Energy, GUB, IBM, Microsoft, Novartis Seeds, Siemens) is in the possess of one of Chris Bleicher's artwork to the theme. The seven workshops shared the same name like the seven artworks - selection see slide show.
"Big Shopping"
Created for the construction company Dibag-Doblinger, Munich, Germany. It is made without neon installation and includes the Dibag-Doblinger logo. For the collages is used an original groundplan and front view of the shopping center "Ludwigsburg" which was planned and built by the company.
"Rhino in Blue in Marsh Flower Landscape"
Created for a private collector to the theme "Rhino". For this NEON PICTURE OBJECT Chris Bleicher choose the Indian rhinoceros which she studied in Tierpark Hellabrunn (Zoo of Munich). By the animal keeper she got a special guide: "It was very impressive for me to touch such an impressive colossus." In the library of the zoo the artist studied the rhino wildlife habitat to give the right background to the artwork.